When the Goudey company decided to produce their massive 1933 baseball card collection, pioneering a future for companies like Bowman, Topps, and every other corporation that produced a nationwide sportscard series, the legendary Babe Ruth wasn't just the most dominant sports figure in American history; he was a worldwide celebrity whose cult of personality transcended anyone who had ever lived. By 1930, more Americans could identify Ruth by sight than President Hoover, and he was more beloved as well. He also had a higher salary. When Ruth was asked if he thought he deserved to be making more money than the President of the United States, he said, “'Why not? I had a better year than he did.” So Goudey cashed in on Ruth's stardom, inserting four different cards into their 240-card set, the toughest of which to find in high grade is the yellow #53 like the SGC 6.5 EX/NM+ example offered here. The centering is very admirable given the narrowness of the borders, maybe just a degree or two toward the right edge, while an argument can be made for NM quality corners and a robust central image that offers a sharp artist's rendering of "The Sultan of Swat", supported but a radiant yellow backdrop that shimmers as bright as when the card was made, showing no more than a stray dot or two of the loose print that invades lower-graded examples. The reverse is equally pleasing with bold green print on a bright white canvas that also boasts NM overall qualities. SGC graded the card EX/NM+, but we hold to our belief that side by side with most NM examples, a fair amount of people would choose this wonderful specimen!