October 2015 Auction
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 10/16/2015
The current high bids for the cumulative group of singles, $39,297.00 is currently higher than the total for the complete set, $32,199.00 (this lot is currently losing)

Well-known in their native Canada for producing top-quality hockey card sets throughout the 1930's, the O-Pee-Chee Company jumped into the baseball card market in 1937, producing a 40-card "Series A" group of American Leaguers with the thought being that a "Series B" group of National Leaguers would follow, but never did. In fact, O-Pee-Chee's next baseball card collection wouldn't be until 1965. The set is an amalgam of several other baseball card sets, offering a similar photographic style and die cut format to the 1934-1936 Batter-Up series, the oversized "pose within a baseball diamond" design of the 1933 DeLong collection and the bio reverse of the 1933 and 1934 Goudey collection. The featured 40-card complete set is ranked #1 all-time on the PSA Set Registry, clearly outpacing any competition with a 9.13 overall set rating. Almost half of the set, 18 of the 40 cards, stand atop the PSA pop report as the only specimen to achieve their grade, keys of which include #111 Goslin (PSA 9), 115 Appling (PSA 9), 119 Dickey (PSA 9), 124 Cronin (PSA 8) and 136 Ruffing (PSA 8). There are 15 other cards that are unsurpassed in grade, leaving just a total of 7 cards in the entire set where there is room for improvement. The most impressive aspect of this assemblage is that PSA has deemed just 11 specimens from the entire series worthy of PSA 9 status and nine of them are located here. Key cards include #106 Foxx PSA 8, 118 DiMaggio PSA 8 and 140 Hornsby PSA 8. For a complete breakdown of grades and population, please visit our website for a link to the PSA Set Registry. While offered here as a complete set, the cards are also available individually and will be sold based upon the higher total between the set price versus the sum of the prices of the individual cards.

LINK: 1937 O-Pee-Chee #1 Set on PSA Set Registry

1937 O-Pee-Chee Baseball Complete Set Completely PSA Graded #1 on PSA Set Registry With Amazing 9.13 GPA
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $10,000.00
Final prices include buyers premium.:
Number Bids:17
Competitive in-house shipping is not available for this lot.
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